OPENING – The Making of: 3SIXØ Architecture

About ten years ago, the owners of the Biltmore asked us to make a proposal for a new porte cochere for the hotel entry. We presented a model for the design which sat in the lobby of the hotel until it was crushed by the luggage of a guest.  Often...

Something to celebrate as we toast in the new year!

Something to celebrate as we toast in the new year!

2011 Design Awards: 3six0 Architecture received a total of eight design awards last year. At the AIAri Annual Design Awards 3six0 was recognized with all five Honor Awards, given for outstanding achievement in architectural design.   more... And at Rhode Island...

3six0 sweeps the RI AIA awards

3six0 sweeps the RI AIA awards

December 1, 2011 Newport, RI 3six0 won five honor awards at the RI AIA 2011 Award Ceremony. A total of twelve awards were given: seven merit awards and five of the most prestigious honor awards. 3six0 received honor awards for:

3six0 Wins Rhode Island Monthly Design Awards

3six0 Wins Rhode Island Monthly Design Awards

October's issue of Rhode Island Monthly announced this year's Design Award-winning projects, including three of ours. Our private residence project on the Pettaquamscutt River was awarded Gold in Residential Renovation. The Paschke Danskin Loft took Gold in...

Back from China

I had a packed five weeks in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, and Ningbo Two new posts on my experience in China and how it came into the workshop I taught at the China Academy of Art can be found at ,...

Finding your way . . .

I am about to leave for a 5 week trip to China where I will be teaching a workshop called, Finding your way. I suspect that that will be the subject of my entire trip...which I hope to blog about at my blog, I hope to find you there.

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.

At a Chinese New Year celebration, I asked my cookie to give feedback on a very public project that we were most recently involved in. That is what the cookie said. Friedrich St. Florian made the observation that considering the length of human existence, fifty years...